Certified Testing
Certified Testing
Safety Starts Here Inc. alcohol technicians are certified based on US DOT standards (United States Department of Transportation). We test with US DOT approved evidentiary breath alcohol machines which guarantees the accuracy and reliability of results and meets the same standards of police forces throughout North America.
Breath Alcohol testing is the preferred method of testing as saliva alcohol and urine alcohol (ethanol) testing are not defensible in court. If a saliva alcohol test is positive it must be confirmed by a breath alcohol test to be considered valid.
Urine drug testing is highly accurate, reliable, and the most commonly used method to detect the presence of drugs in Canada’s occupational testing industry.
Depending on the type of drug test required, express and lab based methods are available.
· Pre-Access
· Post Incident
· Random
· Follow-Up
· Pre-Employment
· Reasonable Cause
· Return to Work
· Periodic
Express Urine Drug Testing
Express drug testing provides employers a quick, convenient, and reliable option when testing workers for drug abuse. It is a flexible option as these tests can be completed at a testing facility or at the workplace. The results of an express (point-of-collection) drug test are instant and qualitative, meaning they provide a negative or non-negative result.
Express urine drug testing does not determine the level of the drug in the body and it is recommended that all non-negative express drug screens are sent to SAMHSA certified laboratories for confirmation screening.
Lab based testing
Lab based urine drug testing is offered in the following ways:
· As a stand-alone test
· In addition to a urine express test (urine express and lab)
· To confirm a non-negative urine express test
Testing urine in the lab allows Safety Starts Here to report the levels of multiple drugs within a single sample.
Negative urine lab results are typically available in 2-3 business days, while confirmed positive results typically take 5-6 business days
Safety Starts Here Inc. alcohol technicians are certified based on US DOT standards (United States Department of Transportation). We test with US DOT approved evidentiary breath alcohol machines which guarantees the accuracy and reliability of results and meets the same standards of police forces throughout North America.
Breath Alcohol testing is the preferred method of testing as saliva alcohol and urine alcohol (ethanol) testing are not defensible in court. If a saliva alcohol test is positive it must be confirmed by a breath alcohol test to be considered valid.
Urine drug testing is highly accurate, reliable, and the most commonly used method to detect the presence of drugs in Canada’s occupational testing industry.
Depending on the type of drug test required, express and lab based methods are available.
· Pre-Access
· Post Incident
· Random
· Follow-Up
· Pre-Employment
· Reasonable Cause
· Return to Work
· Periodic
Express Urine Drug Testing
Express drug testing provides employers a quick, convenient, and reliable option when testing workers for drug abuse. It is a flexible option as these tests can be completed at a testing facility or at the workplace. The results of an express (point-of-collection) drug test are instant and qualitative, meaning they provide a negative or non-negative result.
Express urine drug testing does not determine the level of the drug in the body and it is recommended that all non-negative express drug screens are sent to SAMHSA certified laboratories for confirmation screening.
Lab based testing
Lab based urine drug testing is offered in the following ways:
· As a stand-alone test
· In addition to a urine express test (urine express and lab)
· To confirm a non-negative urine express test
Testing urine in the lab allows Safety Starts Here to report the levels of multiple drugs within a single sample.
Negative urine lab results are typically available in 2-3 business days, while confirmed positive results typically take 5-6 business days